
Why Data Agility Is Essential for Your Business

Make simple, powerful, and immediate changes to any aspect of how information is interpreted and acted on.


Why Data Agility Is Essential for Your Business

Make simple, powerful, and immediate changes to any aspect of how information is interpreted and acted on.


Why Data Agility Is Essential for Your Business

Make simple, powerful, and immediate changes to any aspect of how information is interpreted and acted on.


Why Data Agility Is Essential for Your Business

Make simple, powerful, and immediate changes to any aspect of how information is interpreted and acted on.

Course Name:

Semantic Inferencing with MarkLogic


This tutorial will familiarize you with the concepts and steps to using Semantic Inferencing in MarkLogic. The concept of inference, rulesets, asserted triples and ontology triples will be describes along with examples. Forward and backward chaining will be compared and contrasted. RDFS and path-based inference will be described and demonstrated. Best practices will be presented for optimizing inference performance.


19 mins.


MarkLogic 8




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