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"Kiss Kiss" by Chris Brown featuring T-Pain
ending week: 2007-11-24 (total weeks: 3)
genre: pop, r&b, hip hop
PopR&Bhip hop  [more]
"Umbrella" by Rihanna featuring Jay-Z
ending week: 2007-07-21 (total weeks: 7)
genre: r&b, hip hop, pop
R&Bhip hoppop  [more]
"Give It to Me" by Timbaland featuring Nelly Furtado and Justin Timberlake
ending week: 2007-04-28 (total weeks: 2)
genre: r&b, hip hop, pop
R&Bhip hopPop  [more]
"Glamorous" by Fergie featuring Ludacris
ending week: 2007-03-31 (total weeks: 2)
genre: pop, r&b, hip hop
PopR&Bhip hop  [more]
"My Love" by Justin Timberlake featuring T.I.
ending week: 2006-11-25 (total weeks: 3)
genre: pop, r&b, hip hop
PopR&Bhip hop  [more]
"Run It!" by Chris Brown
ending week: 2005-12-24 (total weeks: 5)
genre: r&b, pop, hip hop
R&Bpophip hop  [more]
"Ain't It Funny" by Jennifer Lopez featuring Ja Rule
ending week: 2002-04-13 (total weeks: 6)
genre: pop, r&b, hip hop
PopR&Bhip hop  [more]