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"Judy in Disguise (With Glasses)"
#1 weeks: 2
weeks: 1968-01-20, 1968-01-27
artist: John Fred and His Playboy Band

"Judy in Disguise (With Glasses)" was a hit for the Louisiana-based John Fred and His Playboy Band in early 1968. The song, co-written with bandmate Andrew Bernard, was a parody of The Beatles' hit, "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds." According to The Billboard Book of Number One Hitsby Fred Bronson, the song was inspired by Fred's listening to "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" and mistakenly believing that the lyrics to the song were "Lucy in disguise with diamonds." Coincidentally, it went on to knock "Hello, Goodbye," another Beatles tune, off the #1 spot on the Billboard Hot 100 for two weeks in January 1968. However, it also stuck Fred with a novelty act image he was never able to shake. Nevertheless, the song remains a favorite on oldies-oriented radio stations.