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"Every Rose Has Its Thorn"
#1 weeks: 1
weeks: 1989-01-07
genre: glam metal, country rock, acoustic rock, rock
artist: Poison
album: Open Up and Say... Ahh!
writers: Bret Michaels
producers: Tom Werman
lengths: 4:20

"Every Rose Has Its Thorn" is a power ballad/rock song by American glam rock band Poison. It was released in 1988 as the third single from Poison's second album Open Up And Say...Ahh!. It is the band's first and only number-one hit in the U.S., reaching the top spot on Christmas Eve in 1988 for three weeks (carrying over into 1989). It was a #13 hit in the UK. "Every Rose Has Its Thorn" was named number 34 on VH1's "100 Greatest Songs of the 80's", #100 on their "100 Greatest Love Songs" and #3 on their " Top 25 Power Ballads" by MTV and VH1.

According to singer Bret Michaels, the recording sessions for "Every Rose" were fraught with infighting and squabbles between band members. "It was like, I totally thought this would help us move forward, you know, push the envelope, sonically," Michaels has said, "but the others were just not into it, you know? I mean, C.C. has always been the metal rawk one in the group, and he thought I was a fucking sell-out. He hated playing "Every Rose"; the song is one of the reasons he refuses to speak to me anymore. Although I think me sleeping with his girlfriend of six years didn't help either." C.C. Deville would later retort in the Poison biography Sex, Drugs & Rock'n'Roll ... & Sex & Drugs Some More: The Poison Story, "Well that's Brett's take, okay? And you know what, he's a cunt. That's all I have to say about that."

Poison's lead vocalist, Bret Michaels, wrote the song in response to a failed love affair with his then-girlfriend. Poison had been playing at a cowboy bar called "The Ritz" in Dallas, Texas. In an interview with VH1's Behind The Music, Michaels said the inspiration for the song came from a night when he was in a laundromat waiting for his clothes to dry, and called his girlfriend on a pay phone. Michaels said he heard a male voice in the background and was devastated; he said he went home and wrote Every Rose Has Its Thorn as a result. Michaels wrote the song with an acoustic guitar in a laundromat.

Musically, the song starts quietly and features two intricate guitar solos, one mellow and one fast. Among guitarists, the song is notable for epitomizing the standard G - Cadd9 progression in pop/rock. The song is also recognizable for its reference to cowboys in the chorus, and the twang in Bret Michaels' vocals, which give the song a country feel not often heard in power ballads composed by glam metal bands.

When asked in Twisted Sister: The Completed Uncensored Storyabout why the glam metal scene came to an end, Dee Snider of Twisted Sister said: "Hey man, it was them motherfuckin' "power ballads", you know! Bret is gonna kill me for saying this but "Every Rose" completely killed the metal in the pop metal scene man. All of a sudden, all the heavy metal rock bands got rid of their distortion pedals and went fuckin' acoustic." Twisted Sister had previously achieved fame primarily for their sloganeering rock anthem hit "We're Not Gonna Take It".

The music video to Every Rose was similar to those filmed for other eighties power ballads. It features Michaels sitting down, playing the guitar, and singing along to the song, interspersed with black and white clips from concerts, and color frames of a storyline that follows the song.

"Every Rose Has Its Thorn" is on the following albums.

"Every Rose Has Its Thorn" became the group's first (and only to date) number-one single on the BillboardHot 100; it climbed to the top during the two last weeks of 1988 and the first week of 1989.