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"Sad Eyes"
#1 weeks: 1
weeks: 1979-10-06
genre: pop, ballad
artist: Robert John
album: Robert John
writers: Robert John
formats: 7"
lengths: 3:11

"Sad Eyes" is a song written and recorded by Robert John, and released in 1979.

Released in April 1979, "Sad Eyes" debuted May 19 on the Hot 100. The song slowly inched its way up the chart throughout the late spring and summer, finally reaching the top of the chart on October 6 — nearly three weeks into the fall.

"Sad Eyes" was one of the few non-disco number-one hits on the Hot 100 during 1979. During the first 10 months of the year, 13 of the year's 16 chart-toppers to the time when "Sad Eyes" reached the top were disco or had strong disco influences.